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The European Project

A backpacker's journey in Europe 

            The European Project started in February 2016, while I was studying abroad in Valencia, Spain through Berklee's study abroad program. Europe is the center of western classical music. many of my favorite composers have left their legacies in this land. Because of this study abroad opportunity, I was able to travel in Europe and visit the birth place of many classical pieces that I have been playing for years. Therefore, I started this European Project, to play some classical flute pieces which was written specifically in this city/country whenever I travel to a new city/country. I would stand on the side of the street and start playing pieces I am familiar with, letting all the tourists and locals walk by me and watch me fight my performance anxiety to play music for absolute strangers. I was challenged but had great fun in this project. 

           Now please allow me to present, the European Project!

European project

European project

Humoresque - Dvorak

Vltava - Smetana

Flute concerto in D

Carmen theme

Paris in Budapest - Hugarian Fantasie

Paris in Paris - Romeo and Juliet theme

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